Widespread Dermatitis (Erythroderma)

K.R., Austria

I will remember the year 2012 forever.  In January I suddenly developed red spots on my lower arms, these slowly spread all over my body.  By the end of February the skin on these spots started to leak fluid, and I sometimes had to change my clothes three times a day, but was wet again within the hour.

Even at 30 degree heat in the summer I felt freezing cold, and not once did I wear a short sleeved shirt during this summer. 

Some days my skin dried up a bit, only to shed scales in large sheets.  Whenever I took off my clothes, for instance if I went to the toilet, I had to afterwards clean away piles of scales and dry skin.

After numerous attempts to find a treatment for my condition, trying out any therapies available without success, an experienced TCM doctor suggested I see her teacher Mazin Al-Khafaji.

It wasn’t even the distance I had to travel, but the waiting time to get an appointment that made my decision to see him difficult.  After waiting for three months for an appointment, my skin still unchanged, I finally started my 1000km, longawaited trip to see Dr. Al-Khafaji.

After the first appointment I travelled back to Austria full of motivation and hope.  From then on my condition improved every day in little steps, and within a month there was no more wetness, after 2-3 months, no more dry scaling of my skin, and after 3-4 months, the itching had all but stopped.

After half a year of treatment with Mazin Al-Khafaji I can say with confidence that I am now cured.

My skin is the best it has been in my whole life, and I have suffered with skin problems from birth.

I now thoroughly enjoy my new life during spring 2013 wearing summer clothes!

K.R., Oesterrreich

Das Jahr 2012 wird mir noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Bereits im Jänner entwickeln sich an den Unterarmen rote Flecken, die sich allmählich fast auf den ganzen Körper ausbreiten. Ende Februar beginnt meine Haut an den betroffenen Stellen zu nässen, sodass ich meine Kleidung mitunter dreimal täglich wechseln muss, während ich schon nach einer Stunde wieder durchnässt bin. Mir ist sogar im Sommer bei 30° Außentemperatur zu kalt und ich kann im Jahr 2012 an keinem einzigen Tag kurzärmelige Kleidung tragen.

An manchen Tagen wird die Haut etwas trockener und schuppt sich großflächig. Überall, wo ich mich ausziehe, z. B. am WC, muss ich nachher eine Portion Schuppen wegkehren.

Nach vielen Therapieversuchen mit diversen alternativmedizinischen Methoden werde ich durch eine in TCM erfahrene Ärztin zu ihrem Lehrmeister Al-Khafaji vermittelt. Im Grunde ist es nicht die Entfernung, sondern die lange Wartezeit, die die Entscheidung schwer macht. Nach dreimonatiger Wartezeit mit unveränderten Beschwerden kann ich Ende November die 1000km-Reise antreten und den inzwischen heiß ersehnten Termin bei Mazin wahrnehmen.

Nach der ersten Sitzung gehe ich motiviert und gestärkt nach Hause. Mein Zustand verbessert sich Tag für Tag in winzig kleinen Schritten. Bereits nach einem Monat hört das Nässen auf, nach 2-3 Monaten schuppt sich meine Haut nicht mehr, nach 3-4 Monaten ist der Juckreiz fast verschwunden. Nach nunmehr einem halben Jahr kann ich behaupten, geheilt zu sein. Meine Haut ist nun so, wie sie vorher nie war; denn schon seit meiner Geburt macht meine Haut immer wieder Probleme.

Ich genieße mein neues Leben im Frühling mit sommerlicher Kleidung.


I've suffered a losing battle with atopic eczema my whole life but never was it as bad as it was before I started seeing Mazin. I had tried every type of cure for my skin including lengthy courses of steroid creams and oral steroids. While they helped temporarily, the eczema would come back sometimes immediately after taking, sometimes after 6 months. I had exhausted all my options and had been on the NHS waiting list for months to see the dermatologist but by this time eczema covered over 95% of my body (known as erythrodermic eczema), including my hands, face and eyelids. Everywhere was terribly inflamed and my skin was shedding nonstop, I had open soars and weeping patches around my face and body.

I was so physically uncomfortable that I hardly ever slept through the pain or because I would be up all night trying not to scratch my body. I was severely sleep deprived and my eyes had sunk into my face which on top of everything else, left me looking ghoulish.

I was recommended Mazin after he had treated and cured a friend of a friend, and since I was really desperate I booked an appointment and had my first meeting with him. Mazin asked me a series of questions about my condition that would help him to prescribe the correct herbs to me. He even asked me things that I had which I didn't even know were eczema related, such as sweating in the night, and cold hands and feet. He went through how Chinese medicine works and how it's different from western medicine. He also took some photographs so we could keep a record and compare with future visits to see improvement.

The main point was Mazin was optimistic that he could help me, and gave me hope that I would be able to have normal skin. hope was something I had run out of by that point. At first I would see Mazin every 2 weeks, and as I got progressively better the meetings would be further spread apart, and till finally up to 2 months, when I was on half dose for consolidation.

Back then I thought that I would never be healthy or have normal skin, it's unbelievable how well I am now. I don't have any inflammation or dry skin, no weeping patches or open sores. I can sleep well through the night without waking up in puddles of sweat and all evidence that I ever had eczema is completely gone. I can happily live my life without looking like a ghoul and applying moisturiser 10 times a day. Mazin has literally saved my life and thanks to him I am able to enjoy life again.

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