Acupuncture and Heel Pain

16 May 2008

(1) A report in the British Journal of Dermatology describes a female patient who suffered from bilateral heel pain with the appearance of small flesh-coloured papules on weight bearing and larger flesh-coloured papules over the anterior surface of the shins. A diagnosis of painful piezogenic pedal papules and bilateral tibialis anterior muscle herniation was made. After other attempts to control pain failed, she was given electro- acupuncture which achieved a good subjective clinical response. The authors believe their patient is the first to have herniations at both heel and shin sites, and the first to have successful sustained relief of pain for this disorder. (Woodrow SL, Brereton-Smith G, Handfield- Jones, Painful piezogenic pedal papules: response to local electro- acupuncture, Br J Dermatol 1997 Apr;136(4):628-30).

(2) Acupuncture & Planter Fasciitis
Researchers from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center have confirmed that acupuncture is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis, one of the most common causes of heel pain. 11 patients who had suffered from plantar fasciitis for at least two months were referred for treatment after conventional methods had failed. Treatment was given to the affected foot once weekly, for a maximum of six treatments. Point selection consisted of Yongquan KID-1, Taixi KID-3, Zhaohai KID-6, Kunlun BL-60, Zhiyin BL-67, Zuqiaoyin GB-44 and local ahshi and trigger points. Yongquan KID-1, a trigger point near the insertion of the plantar fascia to the calcaneus and two ahshi points in the medial arch were connected to an electroacupuncture device and stimulated for 20-30 minutes. After treatment, 9 patients reported improvement of more than 50% (and complete resolution in two cases) [Medical Acupuncture 2001; 13(1):47-49].

: Acupuncture

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