Mazin Al-Khafaji

Mazin Al-Khafaji Doctor of Chinese Medicine (Shanghai, China); FRCHM (Fellow of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine); founder of Avicenna Centre for Chinese Medicine.
Mazin is recognised as one of the leading experts in TCM and Modern Chinese Medicine in the world.
He has treated unusual and difficult diseases with great success for the last 27 years, and has a particular interest in skin, auto-immune & allergic and inflammatory disease.
Mazin started his studies in Chinese medicine and the Chinese language in 1979. He graduated as an acupuncturist in the UK in 1983 and then continued his studies in China where he was awarded the first Sino-British scholarship to study medicine alongside Chinese students. He graduated from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai in 1987 as Doctor of Chinese Medicine.
Since his return from China in 1987, he has taught his inimitable style and unusual approach to Chinese medicine to a new generation of herbal practitioners worldwide, and he is respected as one of the most inspirational teachers and clinicians of his time.
At his multi-disciplinarian clinic he offers a mentoring scheme for doctors and upcoming practitioners, and conducts research into the specific effects of certain herbs. He is an authority on the toxicity and authentication of herbs, and often cooperates with experts in the field at Kew Gardens.
He regularly runs Postgraduate Master Classes and a Dermatology Diploma Course, which attract students from all over the world, as well as speaking at conferences across the UK, Europe, Australia, Canada and the USA.
Mazin runs the Avicenna Dispensary, the unique TCM pharmacy which now attracts professional praise and visitors from afar, and makes his own range of skin creams and ointments to complement his practice.
He continuously contributes to professional publications, is co-author of the international textbook on Chinese medicine (Manual of Acupuncture) and is currently writing a book on dermatology in Chinese medicine.
Mazin specialises in: Dermatology, Auto-Immune and Allergic Diseases.
First Consultation: £120
Subsequent Appointments: £55
Additional Cost for Herbs: the charge for individual prescriptions varies according to the weight of herbs prescribed