News & Lifestyle
Sun Advice--Expose yourself a little
Posted on 18/06/2010
If you have followed the news on vitamin D, you may know that a bit of sun exposure can be good for you. Recent research on vitamin D has shown that getting enough of the “Sunshine Vitamin” can protect against type 1 diabetes,...
Finding your bearings in Taibei
Posted on 24/03/2010
When you move to a new country, that of finding your bearings and orienteering yourself is not an easy process. It takes time. This is true in both the topographic and the cultural sense. When I came to live in Taipei, I found it...
Exercise reduces death rate in prostate cancer patients.
Posted on 14/01/2010
At the American Association for Cancer Research's December conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research a study was presented that showed that mortality rates in prostate cancer patients could be reduced with as little as 15 minutes of exercise a day.
Winter Diet
Posted on 23/11/2009
As you move into Winter, you need to adjust your diet as the weather is colder so a diet that produces more heat is necessary. The Winter diet should be warming and substantial, with more wholegrains, less fruit, lots of steamed...
NHS to give back pain acupuncture
Posted on 10/06/2009
Patients with persistent low back pain should be offered acupuncture, massages or exercises on the NHS, says guidance.
THE AVICENNA CENTRE: New Developments in the Practice and Dispensing of Chinese Medicine
Posted on 01/12/2008
An Interview with Mazin Al-Khafaji from the RCHM Journal
Acupuncture after IVF 'could boost pregnancy'
Posted on 24/09/2008
Acupuncture could boost the chances of a woman becoming pregnant after IVF by more than half. The effect is so significant that just 10 women needed to combine the treatments for one to conceive who would not otherwise have done...